New Members

  • The Match Point year starts with the January tournament and ends with the December tournament.
  • Persons may join or re-join at any time.
  • Memberships end following the December Tournament.
  • Membership fee is $20, but is pro-rated each quarter. January-March $20, April-June $15, July-September $10, October-December $5.
  • Membership and tournament fees can be paid together via PayPal.

There are three women’s divisions and three men’s divisions, A, B, and C. Approximate NTRP Ratings would be 4.0 or higher, 3.5 and 3.0 respectively. After we receive your request to join the club, you will be contacted by a board member to discuss your level of play. If you have a USTA rating or play regularly with a current member of Match Point, these factors will be considered as well.


Pay securely online using PayPal or your credit card.
You do not need a Paypal account to pay online – you can use your Visa or Mastercard.

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Choose dues period:
Name of person enrolling